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Building a Snake and Ladder Game in Golang - A Beginner's Guide

Published: at 05:00 AM

Snake and Ladder is a classic board game that involves rolling a dice, moving across a numbered board, and using ladders to climb up while avoiding snakes that send players down. In this article, we’ll build a simple Snake and Ladder game using Golang, making it a great project for beginners to learn about structuring a Go application, handling randomness, and implementing game logic.

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Setting Up the Go Project

Before we start coding, ensure you have Go installed on your system. If not, download and install it from

Now, let’s create a new Go project:

mkdir snake_ladder_game
cd snake_ladder_game
touch main.go

Writing the Go Code

Step 1: Defining Structures

We define the Player and Game structures to store relevant data.

package main

import (

type Player struct {
	Name     string
	Position int

type Game struct {
	Snakes   map[int]int
	Ladders  map[int]int
	Players  []*Player
	Winner   *Player

Step 2: Initializing the Game

We create a function to initialize the board with snakes, ladders, and players.

func NewGame(players []string) *Game {
	snakes := map[int]int{99: 10, 80: 20, 54: 34, 40: 3, 25: 5}
	ladders := map[int]int{2: 38, 7: 14, 8: 31, 15: 26, 21: 42}
	var playerList []*Player
	for _, name := range players {
		playerList = append(playerList, &Player{Name: name, Position: 0})

	return &Game{Snakes: snakes, Ladders: ladders, Players: playerList}

Step 3: Implementing the Dice Roll

We simulate a dice roll using Go’s random number generator.

func RollDice() int {
	return rand.Intn(6) + 1

Step 4: Handling Player Movement

We update a player’s position based on dice rolls while checking for snakes and ladders.

func (g *Game) MovePlayer(player *Player) {
	roll := RollDice()
	newPos := player.Position + roll

	if newPos > 100 {
		fmt.Printf("%s rolled %d, but stays at %d\n", player.Name, roll, player.Position)

	if newPos, ok := g.Snakes[newPos]; ok {
		fmt.Printf("%s landed on a snake! Moving to %d\n", player.Name, newPos)
	} else if newPos, ok := g.Ladders[newPos]; ok {
		fmt.Printf("%s climbed a ladder! Moving to %d\n", player.Name, newPos)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("%s moved to %d\n", player.Name, newPos)

	player.Position = newPos

	if player.Position == 100 {
		g.Winner = player

Step 5: Running the Game Loop

We iterate through players until one reaches the finish line.

func (g *Game) Start() {
	for g.Winner == nil {
		for _, player := range g.Players {
			if g.Winner != nil {
				fmt.Printf("🎉 %s wins the game! 🎉\n", g.Winner.Name)

Step 6: Main Function to Start the Game

func main() {
	players := []string{"Alice", "Bob"}
	game := NewGame(players)

Running the Game

To run the game, execute:

go run main.go

Example Output

Alice rolled 5 and moved to 5
Bob rolled 3 and moved to 3
Alice rolled 6 and moved to 11
Bob rolled 4 and moved to 7
Bob climbed a ladder! Moving to 14
🎉 Bob wins the game! 🎉



This project is a great introduction to Go’s structuring, randomness handling, and game logic implementation. As a beginner, try adding more features like configurable board sizes or special rules.

Happy Coding! 🚀

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